03 December 2005


The above quotation from the hit video game Arkanoid basically summarizes my feelings at the end of this semester. There's a vague sense of accomplishment in the whole ordeal, but my thoughts are all akimbo and I'm too exhausted to organize them again.

What do I say to summarize it all? I guess I don't have to; not every piece is going to resolve itself immediately upon the advent of arbitrary deadlines. There was a air of absolute finality to many semesters past which created a concrete milestone on which to hang my psyche. I know it sounds rather ridiculous, but coming home on a sleepy December night only to fall onto my bed and crash out, waking a short time later to the sound of the phone and a girl with whom you happen to be madly in love. . .that's an ending! None of this stretched-out, classes ending at midnight, unresolved personal issues bullcrap! Endings, not fizzlings!

But tonight offered up a great show courtesy of USC's amazing Big Game Hunters, and the promise of (hopefully) (maybe) a new, wonderful beginning. It's in my hands to keep it rolling, and I find my brain yelling, as it is wont to do when I'm in situations like this one, "run with it, you bastard! You might just fall into something good!"

I winced when they called me pretentious. I hate that goddamned word; it brings me back down, off into the ghetto of derivative artists and exclusionary elitists, all those who represent what I was told to never strive towards and who I'm always scared I'm becoming. I said I wasn't, and there was a snort from the crowd. A snort, as if I had asserted that mice are indeed larger than people, or that Jimmy Carter was our greatest president! But you know what? I forgot that I had any sort of wounded ego quickly thereafter. Who has the time when a young woman with an addictive smile and a matching love for Carole Lombard is right there in front of you?

Let's forget about endings. I'm more interested in these very promising beginnings.

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