08 December 2006

Excuses, Promises, and News from the Front

The real problem I have with this blog is that I feel that it must be wholly independent from the LiveJournal-esque, personal style of blogging. I do not wish it to become a list of things I did, things I saw, and things I like without investigation and explanation. When I present you with something, I want it to be substantial and interesting. The Internet is chock full of sites which will tell you the personal taste of the writer without any reason as to why they liked what they did. Many articles have been started for this blog only to be abandoned, because I didn't think they were worth your time or mine. Further updates will come when an idea springs.

In the meantime, I urge you all to check out The Boy from Out of This World, the blog concerning a new documentary on Teenagers from Outer Space. The director (directress?) behind the project is one of the more driven people I've ever met, and she has a great passion for this project. The film is going to be wonderful, and I suggest you get excited on the ground floor. Oh, and today's entry concerns an interview with Mr. Lloyd Kaufman, one of my Gods of Cinema. So what are you waiting for? Click over!

1 comment:

Elle said...

Thanks Mack!

It just got mysteriously accepted at IMDB after only two days! I hope you'll be in town when I interview Roger Corman, that should be a BLAST! Lloyd is an old friend of mine (his voicemail was from "Uncle Lloyd" ... haha!) and it was great to see him for the first time in YEARS.

I've also added you as a "friend" of the project :)